mimdo ru

На Отделении русского языка состоялся праздничный концерт

28 декабря в Точке кипения прошёл новогодний концерт "В гостях у Деда Мороза", в котором приняли участие обучающиеся ОРЯиОД МИМДО.

Наши обучающиеся специально для этого события подготовили творческие праздничные номера, чтобы поздравить своих одногруппников и преподавателей с наступающим Новым годом (больше фото в альбоме).

Победители V Международной конференции студентов и молодых исследователей «Русский язык в контексте открытого диалога языков и культур»

Подводим итоги и поздравляем победителей V Международной конференции студентов и молодых исследователей «Русский язык в контексте открытого диалога языков и культур».

Также их и сертификаты участников можно найти на сайте конференции https://www.study.sfedu.ru/studconf_rus#thesis

Ждем ваши тезисы докладов/статей по адресу This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.31.01.2024 г.

Требования к оформлению тезисов/статей: https://www.study.sfedu.ru/studconf_rus#thesis 

Секция 1: «Филологические исследования в контексте диалога культур»

Магистрантка программы «Кросскультурная коммуникация, связи с общественностью и иностранные языки в аспекте современной парадигмы лидерства» выступила на Science Slam ЮФУ

Александра Грановская, обучающаяся на 2 курсе магистратуры МИМДО по программе "Кросскультурная коммуникация, связи с общественностью и иностранные языки в аспекте современной парадигмы лидерства", поделилась своим опытом участия в Science Slam ЮФУ. А если вы ещё не видели выступление Александры, обязательно посмотрите!
"Science Slam - первое моё научное мероприятие, где не надо было думать о целях, задачах или теоретической значимости своего исследования, а просто интересно представить науку в увлекательной форме.
Мой институт выбрал меня для участия на Slam после V Международной конференции студентов и молодых исследователей «Русский язык в контексте открытого диалога языков и культур», предложил поучаствовать и меня утвердили.

Cuban students took a Russian language course on the basis of Southern Federal University

The Russian language course as part of the program of language internships for Cuban students completed at the Havana University of Technology named after Jose Antonio Echeverria on December 21. This program is implemented on the basis of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of the Southern Federal University.

During the implementation of this program, 2 training groups of interns were formed, which mainly included graduate and postgraduate students. An additional group for teachers and University's administrative and management staff, as well as employees of the Energy Union of the Republic of Cuba, was also created.

During the course, foreign trainees studied not only Russian grammar and general vocabulary, but also professionally oriented engineering vocabulary. The classes were conducted within the framework of an ethnically oriented methodology, which made it possible to strengthen the educational process.

In addition, teachers at the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of Southern Federal University organized a number of cultural and educational events to familiarize Cuban trainees with the history, culture and realities of modern Russia, as well as virtual tours around Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region and told about traditional Russian holidays. At the end of the course, all students were congratulated on the upcoming New Year and Christmas.

The administration of the Havana University of Technology named after Jose Antonio Echeverria believes that the implementation of this project for Cuban students, master’s students and young researchers will help them in their professional growth and development, thanks Southern Federal University and hopes for further cooperation.

Cuban interns in the homeland of Anton Chekhov

On Thursday, December 21, a group of Cuban interns took a sightseeing tour of Taganrog.

Together with teachers of the International Institute of Interdisciplinary Education and Ibero-American Studies of Southern Federal University, Kerimova Sabina and Pomiguyeva Ekaterina, the Cubans immersed themselves in the atmosphere of the southern city, got acquainted with places memorable for the city and the whole country, learned about celebrities whose names have left their mark on Russian history and culture.

A lot of attention was paid to A. P. Chekhov during the tour. Today, the city has equipped museum houses with collections that allow you to see the real life of an outstanding writer. The Cuban guests visited the monuments, the house museum, the Chekhov's Shop family store. In the literary museum, the former gymnasium where our famous countryman studied, Cuban trainees learned a lot of interesting things about Chekhov’s childhood and youth. After visiting the class where the writer studied, the Cubans sat on the school benches of the Chekhov era and learned that Kamchatka is not only a peninsula, but also called the seats at the last desks in the classroom.

In addition to visiting museums, Cubans took walks and saw sculptures and sculptural compositions depicting the heroes of Chekhov's short stories «The Man in the Case», «Thick and Thin», «Kashtanka» and other colorful figures.

The tour ended with a visit to the Taganrog embankment, from where the Cuban trainees could admire the views of the winter Taganrog Bay.


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